Catholic Eldercare Testimonials
We could not succeed without the many people who make up and support our growing community. Click below to learn what being part of the Catholic Eldercare family has meant to some of them. If you’d like to share a Catholic Eldercare experience, just fill out the form—we’d love to hear from you!

Father John M. Bauer
Pastor, The Basilica of Saint Mary

Maryilyn Dubay
MDS Coordinator at Catholic Eldercare

Emily Koski
Daughter of Albert J. Hofstede, Co-founder of Catholic Eldercare

Ruth Lindquist
Former Director of Adult Day Services at Catholic Eldercare

Judy Marcouiller
Daughter of RiverVillage Resident

Mick Maxey
Catholic Eldercare Volunteer

Renee McHugh
Former Therapeutic Recreation Director at Catholic Eldercare

Bill Pilacinski
Family Member of Residents

Denise Sloan
Daughter of Adult Day Client

Patty Stachel-Theobald
Niece of RiverVillage Resident

Nancy Utoft
Board Member

Jerry Weller
Catholic Eldercare Volunteer