Senior Outpatient Therapy Services
The Outpatient Therapy Department at Catholic Eldercare provides Physical, Occupational and Speech therapies Monday through Friday. We focus on functional needs and overall wellness.
Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy for seniors focuses on range of motion (ROM), strength, transfer training, balance, gait and pain issues related to lower extremities (legs) and back. Some reasons to refer to physical therapy would include:
- Increased assistance needed with transfers and walking
- Increased difficulty walking distances needed to get from one location to another or decreased balance
- Increased number of falls
- Decreased ROM and strength noted in legs
- Persistent or new onset of pain, particularly as it affects function
- Decreased balance in sitting or standing
Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy for seniors focuses on range of motion (ROM) and strength related to the upper extremities (arms), activities of daily living (ADLs), feeding, cognition and pain related to the neck, upper back, arms and wheelchair positioning. Some reasons to refer to occupational therapy would include:
- Increased assistance needed with ADLs
- New or persistent pain in upper back, arms, neck
- Increased difficulty feeding self
- Increased confusion
- Sliding or leaning in wheel chair
- Pressure wounds due to sitting wheelchair
Speech Therapy
Senior Speech Therapy focuses on communication, swallowing, language and higher cognitive function. Some reasons to refer to speech therapy would include:
- Gurgling or wetness when speaking
- Coughing with eating or drinking
- Increased difficulty with word finding, naming objects, expressing wants and needs
- Increased difficulty with following commands
For more information please contact:
Katy Vidal at 612-362-2416