Family Events and Resources
You are invited to Family Council Meetings
Albert J Hofstede Care Center Family Council meetings are held 2 times a year in person. Please contact Emma Levitte for more information or to answer questions. 612–362–2408 or elevitt@catholiceldercare.org
Assisted Living Family Council meetings are held 2 times per year in person. Please contact Stephanie Capelle for more information or to answer questions. 612–362–2477 or scapelle@catholiceldercare.org
Dementia/Alzheimer Disease Support Group
When: Every 2nd Thursday of the month
Where: St Anthony of Padua Chapel
817 Main Street NE Minneapolis MN 55413
Time: 2:00 - 3:00 pm
Support groups create a safe, confidential, supportive environment or community and a chance for participants to develop informal mutual support and social relationships. They also educate and inform participants about dementia and help participants develop methods and skills to solve problems.
Questions please call or e-mail: Emma Levitt elevitt@catholiceldercare.org or 612-362-2408
Respite Suite Available at RiverVillage East
MEMORY CARE respite program flyer draft 9.2024.pdf
Resident Centered Care
Catholic Eldercare is a participant in a Resident Centered Behavioral Health program led by our Medical Director, Simon Mittal. This program has produced educational family videos, four of which are below. To view click on any highlighted button.