Nurturing Life's Ageless Spirit.
All Faiths Welcome
Our entire Catholic Eldercare staff strives every day to deliver the very best for those we serve. When a staff member goes a step further and provides that little bit of extra care, we know that makes all the difference. That person is your Caring Heart. Here’s your opportunity to thank them.
Catholic Eldercare’s Caring Heart Program is designed to recognize staff members who work directly or indirectly with those we serve—from resident assistants, housekeepers and nurses to culinary servers and behind-the-scenes administrators. All staff are eligible!
Residents, tenants, guests or others in the care of Catholic Eldercare—as well as their families or friends—can make a charitable gift to Catholic Eldercare that honors a staff member who has displayed a high level of service, care or kindness. Once notified that they’ve been honored as a Caring Heart, staff members will receive a special pin and be recognized in the next issue of our Connections newsletter.
Your gift will go toward supporting where the need is greatest and the Catholic Eldercare mission. It’s a great opportunity to express your gratitude, recognize excellent service and support your community all at once!
Fill out the below form to recognize an employee, after submitting form you will be directed to a giving page to contribute in their name.
Call 612-362-2420
Mail your contribution with the name of your staff honoree to:
Catholic Eldercare